Unlocking Your
Amazing Tomorrow
What an awesome promise God gave to Joshua and the children of Israel as they were about to enter the promised land! What was the key to that promise being activated? Consecration! The principles and practical tips presented in these pages unpack the consecration process in a clear and simple way that allows us to unlock God's amazing in our lives.
Do you desire a closer walk with God? Do you want to experience Him in a deeper, more intimate way? Are you seeking a breakthrough in your life? As we genuinely engage these consecration tips in our lives, we can see all these things happen and much, much more.
Congratulations as you start your journey towards your amazing tomorrow!
Experience the amazing move of God in your life!

"Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the
Lord will do amazing things among you."
Joshua. 3:5
Lord will do amazing things among you."
Joshua. 3:5
About Dexter
Dexter Davis is a disciple and disciple maker. He is an ordained minister of the Gospel and serves as an Elder at Covenant Life Transformation Ministries, where he functions in a variety of areas including discipleship coordinator. He frequently ministers and contributes on Gospel radio and is currently the principal and one of the teachers in the Christian Solidarity Movement’s School of Relationships. He also serves on the Advisory Council of the RI Teachers Association (RITA) of Trinidad and Tobago.
Serving the Lord for over twenty-five years, Dexter’s personal motto is taken directly from Micah 6:8: “and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” Dexter’s service to God and man, is shaped by three key attributes; (i) justice –continually seeking what is right and fair in the eyes of God, (ii) loving mercy – being compassionate and understanding in every situation and (iii) humility – walking in humble submission and obedience to the Word of God and considering others before himself.
He, along with his wife, Rene Davis, teach and minister to establish the kingdom of God here on earth, as it is in heaven. Dexter has a passion to see people discipled, relationships healed, and all people come into a true understanding of the love of God, the victory of the cross and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Dexter is also a university lecturer, delivering courses at UWI, UTT and UG. He received his PhD in Surveying Science from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK. He is also a Geomatics consultant, and serves on the board of directors of the Institute of Surveyors of Trinidad and Tobago (ISTT)
Serving the Lord for over twenty-five years, Dexter’s personal motto is taken directly from Micah 6:8: “and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” Dexter’s service to God and man, is shaped by three key attributes; (i) justice –continually seeking what is right and fair in the eyes of God, (ii) loving mercy – being compassionate and understanding in every situation and (iii) humility – walking in humble submission and obedience to the Word of God and considering others before himself.
He, along with his wife, Rene Davis, teach and minister to establish the kingdom of God here on earth, as it is in heaven. Dexter has a passion to see people discipled, relationships healed, and all people come into a true understanding of the love of God, the victory of the cross and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Dexter is also a university lecturer, delivering courses at UWI, UTT and UG. He received his PhD in Surveying Science from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK. He is also a Geomatics consultant, and serves on the board of directors of the Institute of Surveyors of Trinidad and Tobago (ISTT)

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Unlocking Your Amazing Tomorrow
What an awesome promise God gave to Joshua and the children of Israel as they were about to enter the promised land! What was the key to that promise being...